Blog of Martin and Lucy Ryan

Sunday, July 20, 2008

Friends and Whanau

Caught up with Tante (Aunty) Helen on Tuesday. She's over from NZ to see her daughter (my cousin) Robynne, so we went out for dinner with them, Robynne's boyfriend Simon and her friend Helen. Went to an Italian place by Waterloo station. Eh.

Robz and Tante Helen had just got back from a few days in Barcelona. Both very well. Great to see Tante Helen.

Last night (Saturday) we went to Las Iguanas with Meg and Dan (who we're still staying with) and Beanie and Simon. Fantastic meal, if you're in London I highly recommend it.

Tomorrow Lucy and I are moving to a small studio apartment in Victoria. Quite funny really, everything is in the one room, including the shower. Sharing the toilet with one other room. Cheap though and very central.

We're only there for a week though, at this stage, as the contract has only rolled over for another week. The big cheeses are having a meeting on Wednesday though, which might turn it into a month. Fingers crossed. Not much else going on on the job front.


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