Blog of Martin and Lucy Ryan

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

A day in the life of...

Today, I have been very clever.  I set up the internet from scratch, all by myself.  Yes indeedy.  I can hear a lot of you saying, 'big deal'.  But when two boxes of wrapped wires and screws and spanners and little wrapped packages and tick sheets arrive at your door, it is a big deal.  Anyway, it's just like following a recipe.  Which I have been doing a lot of lately too.  At this very moment I can smell two lamb shanks in a red wine saucy thing cooking in the oven with fresh rosemary and thyme and a bay leaf.  Such extravagance you must understand.  I have two Jamie Oliver books from the library.  Over the weekend, we treated our friends Meg and Dan to a yummy Spanish Roast chicken.  Mmmmm.  This is what you can do when you're not working.  Think about what you're going to make for dinner.  Anyway, moving on.
I am working actually.  It has not yet paid me at all, but it will I'm sure.  I just finished my final tutorial for 'Writing Stories for Children' which I began over a year ago.  I sent away the last assignment today.  I feel pretty good.  I've been doing lots of writing too, so hopefully something will come of that in the not too distant future.
I had my first encounter with a British plumber today.  Our sink was blocked and the front loading washing machine (never ever will I actually own a front loader) was playing up too because it's all connected.  Of course it is.  So my new sheets were screaming out to be rescued, but the door wouldn't open.  The dishes were smelly and piled up on the bench from Sunday evening (a rare occurance in our house) and it was all very grim.  So the buzzer rang after a three hour wait to hear back from the landlords (agents) and there he was. 
'Plumber?'  he says. 
'Hi, I was expecting a phone call' I said (I'm still in my pyjama pants because who wants to wear tight jeans when they don't have too?)
'I never know what's going on' he grimly replies.  He comes in, a man in his fifties, graying hair and a nice belly.  I introduce myself and try to brighten up the atmosphere for him. 
'All right, where's the problem then,' he asks.  So I lead him up to the kitchen and he checks it all out.  Making appropriate exclamations for my benefit (he admitted he was trying to make it sound more exciting for me).  I made him a coffee, sympathised with his tasks and left him too it.  We had a good chat actually, a very nice man.  I mentioned my own father was a plumber of course.  He left on good terms, apologising for rejecting the last piece of my very delicious brownie, which I didn't mind because it meant I could have it with my cup of green tea later.  Yummy.  And this is a day in the life of a 'house wife' with no children.  I know, I know, it all sounds very indulgent...and it is.  Work is on the horizon for me.  Hopefully I'll have some part time something soon. 


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