Lake District
Went to the Lake District last weekend. It's in Cumbria, which is the north of England, bordering Scotland. We hired a car on Friday and drove up, only took five hours, which shows you how big (small) England is.
Saturday we went for a walk around Grasmere Lake and Rydal Water, right in the middle of the district. It was just like home, so much greenery and beauty - the lakes made it that little bit different and really set it off. Also there are miles and miles of stone walls which must have taken years to build.

Us at Grasmere Lake
We went to William Wordsworth's old house, Dove Cottage. Tiny little place for five people. Even had the odd visit from Samuel Colleridge and some other poets I can't remember.

Walked along the old coffin route - the way they used to carry the dead from Grasmere to Ambleside. Lovely walk, so peaceful and calm and we didn't see that many people. Although did see a Bollywood music video being filmed.

Grasmere Lake
On the return leg we met a lovely retired couple from Oregon who restored our faith in American tourists. Had a nice lunch then went for a cruise on Lake Windermere. Went to a nearby pub for dinner where Lucy had the best meal she'd eaten in England. Mine was none too shabby either.
Sunday we jumped in the car and went for a drive around a mountain to see a magical waterfall. Took copious amounts of photos.

Aira Force, Glenridding
Then we went to Castlerigg stone circle - a bunch of rocks in a circle that's been there for about 4000 years. Apparently they used to swap partners there.

"Why you trying to swap me punk?" Ancient stone circle
Came home via a chocolate museum. Had a fantastic time, it was so relaxing and just what we needed to get us all excited for our Christmas trip around Austria and Prague.

Us at Aira Force
Hi Marty and Lucy!
I am seeing this website for the first time. It is great!
It seems you two had a great time, maybe one day I will go up there to recharge my battery in the green.
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Hey bro
I haven't checked this blog in ages, and now I remember why - way to make someone jealous! It all sounds so beautiful, like you're on a permanent holiday.
Glad you're having such an awesome time.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
I wish Katie, check out the time lag between posts though!
Thursday, September 29, 2005
Hi Martin,
Great to read your news - like the photos. Made me agree with Katie - I feel envious too! Looks really idyllic. Love Dad.
Sunday, October 16, 2005
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