Day 1 – 21 December
Caught the bus to Stanstead airport north of London and flew to Vienna via Berlin. We got off at the wrong stop on the metro and were interrogating our map when a nice old lady bowls up to us of her own volition and points us in the right direction. Next time we get off at the right stop, but no idea where the hostel is, so we start yabbering to the locals none of whom seem to speak any English, but didn’t mind my stuttering German. The Viennans are so friendly! Eventually got to our hostel and settled into our ten bed room, trying not to disturb the dude already sleeping at 6pm, then headed off to the hostel bar to plan our trip.
Day 2 – 22 December
Straight to Stephans Dom, a Cathedral in the middle of the city with gothic architecture but a distinctly 60s roof. We then battled a snow storm to get to Sigmund Freud’s old house which was cool, but we both wished we knew more about him. After that we went on to Johann Strauss’s which had nothing written in English and the only person there didn’t seem to speak any either. So we had a look around and a listen to some music, but didn’t really learn much about him.
Headed off to the Belvedere in the continuing snow storm. Took heaps of photos outside, but didn’t go into the gallery.
Had lunch near by, before going in Lucy said “I’m not going to understand the menu, so I know I’m going to end up with liver and cabbage.” And she did.
Spent enough time in there for the snow to stop, so we headed off to Mozart’s grave in entirely the wrong direction, but another friendly Viennan pointed us in the right direction, leading us out of the army barracks that we’d come to via the projects. The Cemetery was quite eerie, we had it to ourselves and were surrounded by barren desiduous trees. The grave was very nice - understated and unprotected, but well maintained. Yet another friendly at the tube station, a lovely lady kindly volunteered the train time to Lucy in her hesitant English. Very nice.
On the way home, in an underground station, saw a punk rocker with a decidedly dodgy looking dog carrying about half a dozen rats on its back.
Day 3 – 23 December
Poor old roommate had the trots during the night and was up every ten minutes into the bathroom. I slept blissfully through it, poor old Lucy did not. The joys of hostel living.
Headed off towards the town hall for the Christmas market, passed a stunning museum on the way. Indulged in some gluhwein (mulled wine) and punch, roasted chestnuts and potato wedges cooked in a barrel, then meandered around the markets for an hour or so, taking it all in and getting the first item for Lucy’s international nativity scene – an angel.
Next was the imperial palace, which was an array of impressive buildings and a bunch of horse and carriage men, so we got a photo in one of their carriages.

Headed out to Schonbrunn, a lovely old castle on the outskirts of Vienna. Enormous grounds, some lovely sculptures, and one giant royal residence. We wandered there for a couple of hours, having snowball fights, eating Austrian cuisine, marvelling at old royal carriages and enjoying more Christmas markets before strolling home.

Neptune sculpture at Schon Brunn
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